Please note: this is the old RPWBRA web site, kept for historical information only. Please check our new web site for up-to-date information.

Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents' Association
Serving the community since 1928

Residents' Association committee

John Elvidge
Jan Bailey
John Cock
Jill Truman
Advertising Manager
Kate Price
Distribution Manager
Martin Mitchell
Tim Miles

You can also e-mail the Association : .

The collection of subscriptions and the delivery of the monthly "Guide" (normally in the first week of the month) are handled by a network of area co-ordinators and road stewards, who are listed in the back of the "Guide", along with the telephone numbers and addresses of committee members. If you would like to join the Association, but do not know who your local road steward is, please contact the Secretary.

People living outside the area covered by the Association may apply for membership, but would probably need to pay extra to have the "Guide" posted to them each month.

Letters or other contributions to the "Guide", and requests for advertisements (minimum charge £4.75 for six lines in the "Small Ads" section ; display advertisements also available, with an option of inclusion on this website) should be submitted to the Editor by the 3rd of the month preceding publication