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Raynes Park and West Barnes Residents' Association
Serving the community since 1928

Phone mast at Motspur Park - an instant win !

Correspondence between Jill Truman and Kingston-upon-Thames environmental services

Director of Environmental Services
Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames
Development Control
Guildhall 2
Kingston KT1 1EU

12th January 2001

For the attention of Damien Moyse

Dear Sir,

Re: Planning Application 00/05165/Tel, for a telecommunications mast and associated equipment at land adjacent to Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Fields, Motspur Park

I write on behalf of residents of the Motspur Park area to object in the strongest possible terms to the above proposal, for the following reasons:

  1. The site is adjacent to the Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Playing Fields, a local amenity enjoyed by thousands of local residents, and in particular to the Sir Joseph Hood Memorial Wood, which has been designated a local nature reserve and a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. It is covered by Policy EN4 of Merton's UDP.
  2. A telecommunications mast in this vicinity will be visually intrusive, and as such will spoil a much-enjoyed local amenity.
  3. The site is in very close proximity to the children's play area (it could hardly be nearer !) and to family housing, and may represent a health hazard.
  4. In the opinion of many, the risk to health – particularly to children and young people - is of very great concern. Until such time as it is categorically proven that no such health risk exists in relation to these masts and the radio waves emanating from them, we contend that these should be sited well away from family housing and leisure facilities such as these.

We look to you to refuse planning permission for this installation.

Yours faithfully,

Jill Truman
Cc: Chief Planning Officer, London Borough of Merton

Originally, only a very few residents in Marina Avenue had been notified of the proposal, but with the help of the Association, the news soon got around, and this was one of many letters sent in the short consultation period allowed. The following reply was received almost immediately :

Motspur Park, New Malden, Surrey
Erection of a 15 metre high telecommunications tower bearing six antennae with associated equipment cabin at ground level all to north of gas holder station.

I refer to the above planning application and I now write to inform you that, after careful consideration of the application and the comments received from local residents, planning permission has been refused.

Yours faithfully,

Alan McMillen
Director of Environmental Services