And still it rains and rains. The past month has been a continuation of the wet autumn, which has served to draw everyone's attention to the dangers of building on inappropriate locations such as flood plains and of concreting over grassy areas such as gardens and driveways. The only information I can provide since last month is that the Environment Agency have made use of the Internet to introduce a free service so that you can check the risk of flooding in your locality. All you need to do is to key in the postcode or name of the town or city, and flood plains emerge as blue areas on the map.
David Freeman attended the meeting of the Raynes Park and West Barnes Town Centre Working Party to discuss the proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) for Raynes Park. The Association has already provided the Working Party with some comments following a sample survey of members. They are :
Through David Freeman, the Association has :
The Working Party have produced a map showing the extent of the proposed scheme at this moment, but it could change. It is intended that all households in the CPZ and those living in adjacent roads would receive a consultation document. However, the decision to proceed will depend on the views of the residents within the CPZ; a Florida-style ballot! The consultation is expected in late January 2001, with an exhibition of the scheme displayed in the Assembly Rooms at the Raynes Park library. The proposed control times would be 0800-1830 Monday to Saturday, in order to coincide with the existing parking regulations.
The timetable of events is expected to be
The proposal would be for residents to apply for permits in December 2001, at a cost of £30 for the first car, £75 for the second and £100 for the third. Business permits are proposed to cost £100. The visitor charges would be 50p for half a day and £1 for the whole day, with pay and display at 30p an hour. Of course, there would be the usual special free permits for the disabled.
What do you think? Please let us know, as the next meeting of the Working Party is on 16 January, and we need to ensure that David Freeman has all your views.
The Council’s new style of pushing more activities to residents, which Jill Truman has addressed in this issue, has now focussed on the graffiti problem. On the 31 January 2001, at 19.30 in the Council Chamber, the Merton Environment and Safety Forum are to discuss this issue and the action that can be taken. The Association should be represented, so if you can help us in this way, please let me know.
It is apparent from the new working practices of the Council that the Association is even more important than ever before. It is ironic that we are struggling to find people to help run the organisation when it is so necessary. As I have said before, all we require are a few people who will be willing to take over the running of the organisation which has an excellent infrastructure. The style of the activities, meetings and interaction with the community will be for the new team to develop. They will have their own approach and do not have to follow the past. So can you help us?
The meeting on the 9 January 2001 is key to the future, since if by then we do not have any new people to help, then we will have to close. That would be tragic.
Please come to the meeting and help us resolve this matter. In the meantime, please call me at any time if you require more information or which to discuss these issues further. I look forward to hearing from you.
The next meeting of the Association is on Tuesday 9 January at 7.45 p.m., in the Tennis Pavilion, 129 Grand Drive (near the junction of Crossway - see map).
You are all welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you.
Garry Hunt (President and acting Chairman, RP&WBRA)